
Have one of those days?
Is it one of those days? The kids are screaming, food is burning on the stove and there is paint or lego pieces all over the floor?Ah, we all hate those days but days like these have to exist, otherwise how would we learn to appreciate the good ones? There would be no fun if everything went perfect every single minute. Now, imagine you’re taking a deep breath with me, right here Then do it again and again, until your mind quiets down. Push the noise outside every time you exhale, leave it there with the rest of the chaos.

Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression
These terms have been liberally used interchangeably or as if they were the same mainly because they share similar symptoms or manifestations. However, it is important to know the distinctions between the two in order to properly address these conditions. This article aims to help eradicate the stigma attached to any of the mental health effects of pregnancy and at the same time provide comfort to all new mothers out there by educating them of the vital information they need to know on both baby blues and postpartum depression. Baby Blues This condition is characterized by extreme mood swings such

About Attachment Theory
If you are suffering from relationship problems, depression and anxiety, there is a good chance that learning about “attachment theory” can help you find answers to your questions and discover effective coping techniques. This concept has helped millions of people worldwide in detecting the root causes of their issues and addressing it in a more powerful way. What is Attachment Theory? It is a psychological model developed in the 1960s by the renowned British Scientist, John Bowbly and was later on expanded by Mary Ainsworth. To simply put, this theory states that the ability of a person to create emotional and physical

Grad School Family Crisis
I don’t remember much about grad school orientation day. I do remember being completely dismissive about the whole affair, wanting nothing more than to just hit the ground running. I remember a speaker saying, “Life happens while you’re here.” I laughed off that comment and thought, Life won’t “happen” until four years from now when I’m finally in the real world doing what I love. Like the rest of that speech, the rest of orientation day remains a blur. Fast-Forward Two Years Everything was chuggin’ along. I was halfway there and I had straight As, I was working full time,
About Me

After more than decade in the mental health field, first as a student & now as a practitioner I have found that those with a genuine desire for mental health services
Perinatal & Postpartum
Mood Disorders

Perinatal & Postpartum
Mood Disorders

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