Psychoeducational Testing

Many times parent suspect there is something wrong with their child but have difficulties identifying what the problem is. Other times, teachers and/or school staff may refer your child for psychoeducational evaluation. But how do you know that your child may have a learning disorder? There are many different types of learning disorders and signs of learning disabilities vary from person to person.

But, how do I know if my child actually has a learning disorder?

If you are a parent searching for psychoeducational testing, you may have already suspected that your child may be gifted or, instead, may have a learning disorder. Or you may have exhausted your patience on having been on the county waiting list. Now that you found us, let’s answer some of the more common questions.

For starters, here are common signs that a person may have a learning disability. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your child have problems with reading and/or writing?
  • Does your child have problems with math?
  • Does your child have poor memory?
  • Problems paying attention?
  • Trouble following directions? or
  • Is she/she clumsy, or
  • Has problems staying organized?
  • Does your child have difficulties staying focused, or is he/she easily distracted?

A child with a learning disability also may have one or more of the following:

  • Acting without really thinking about possible outcomes (impulsiveness)
  • “Acting out” in school or social situations
  • Difficulty saying a word correctly out loud or expressing thoughts
  • Problems with school performance from week to week or day to day
  • Speaking like a younger child; using short, simple phrases; or leaving out words in sentences
  • Having a hard time listening
  • Problems dealing with changes in schedule or situations
  • Problems understanding words or concepts?

Well, if you said yes to either of the above, then you might consider having your child evaluated by a professional.

My team and I specialize in maternal mood disorders, psychoeducational testing, and grief counseling for all stages of life. We’ll come to you – in person, over the phone, or online.