Due to efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus in the US, many businesses have closed until further notice, some voluntarily and others by operation of law. Others, however, are asked to stay open as they are considered an “essential business”.
FMHP is such an essential business.
Therefore, we will remain open and ready to serve you. These are emotionally turbulent times; now more than ever, we must remain available to you.
That said, we cannot turn a blind eye to the realities that confront us; namely, appropriate safety measures and current social distancing guidelines.
In an effort to reduce the spread of coronavirus, we ask you to consider telehealth. If you don’t feel comfortable with this format, you can opt-out.
However, consider coming in personally only if you cannot access telehealth for technical reasons or if you are unable to do so in private, thus compromising confidentiality.
For all in person sessions, we will be strictly abiding by CDC guidelines, to include restricting office visits to only those individuals obtaining services. In other words, no guests or relatives may accompany you into the office as they will not be able to use the waiting room.
These are difficult times, and while we are doing our best to acclimate ourselves to these new, ever-evolving changes, we do with a spirit of understanding and consideration. Therefore, we ask that you continue to be patient with us, as we navigate these waters together.
We welcome any feedback, big or small. Thank you, take care, and stay safe.
Sincerely Yours,
The FMHP Family